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Kartenspoiler für die 3. Welle (durch Video Review von DiceTower)

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Kartenspoiler für die 3. Welle (durch Video Review von DiceTower) Empty Kartenspoiler für die 3. Welle (durch Video Review von DiceTower)

Beitrag von Cut Sa Jan 04, 2014 4:43 pm

Tom Vasal, seines Zeichens "Chef" vom DiceTower, hat die Schiffe der 3. Welle besprochen, so dass man nun mehr die Karten der Expansions sehen kann:

Jonathan Kipp-Bolton vom Boardgamegeekforum schrieb:
Thanks to the dice tower review by tom vasel we can see the cards that come with the Gath'thong are as follows

CAPTAIN - *Romulan Commander [7 - 2 Elite talents] - 5sp
ACTION: During the combat phase this round, your ship attacks before every other ship. Place an auxiliary power token beside your ship.

CREW - *Romulan Officer - 5sp
ACTION: Discard this card. If you initiate an attack while cloaked this round, add +2 attack dice. You cannot roll any defense dice this round.

WEAPON - Plasma torpedoes - bleugh

WEAPON - Nuclear Warhead - 3sp
ACTION: At the end of the activation phase discard this card and place a minefield token within range 1 of your ship, but not within your forward firing arc and not on top of another ship. If a ship enters the minefield on a future turn, roll 3 attack dice. Any [hit] or [critical] damages the ship as normal. The affected ship does not roll any defense dice.

ELITE - *Double Back - 5sp
After performing a [sensor echo] action, you may disacrd this card to immediately perform a [Reverse]1 or [Reverse]2 full astern maneuver.

ELITE - *Decoy - 4sp
When defending, before any dice are rolled, you may discard this card and any one of your [Weapon] or [Tech] upgrades to force your opponent to roll 3 less attack dice this round.

Quelle: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1097015/spoiler-i-r-w-gal-gaththong-expansion-cards/page/1

Ich liebe diese Erweiterung jetzt schon. Der Romulanische Commander wird eine wahnsinnig gute Ergänzung für die Romulanische Flotte und man kann wohl erkennen, dass sie der Erweiterungen zwei neue Minefield Token beigefügt haben.

Jonathan Kipp-Bolton vom Boardgamegeekforum schrieb:
Thanks to the dice tower review by tom vasel we can see the cards that come with the Somraw are as follows

CAPTAIN - *Somraw Commander [5 - 1 Elite talent] - 3sp
Each time you attack at range 3, if you do not have an auxiliary power token beside your ship, you may add +1 attack die. If you add the attack die, place an auxiliary power token beside your ship.

CREW - *Bu'Kah - 4sp
If you performed a green maneuver this round, discard this card to repair up to 2 damage to your hull.

ELITE - *Klingon Honor - 5sp
ACTION: Disable this card to add +1 attack die and convert 1 [hit] result in to 1 [critical] result during any one attack you initiate this round. You cannot roll any defense dice this round.
This upgrade can only be purchased for a klingon captain.

TECH - Shockwave - 2sp
Instead of moving normally during the activation phase, you may discard this card and disable 1 of your torpedoes to disregard your chosen maneuver and perform a Red 1[Reverse] full astern maneuver instead.
This upgrade may only be purchased for a raptor class ship.

TECH - Tactical sensors - 4sp
ACTION: Disable this card to place a [battlestation] token and a [scan] token beside your ship.
This upgrade may only be purchased for a raptor class chip.

Quelle: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1097020/spoiler-i-k-s-somraw-expansion-cards
Jonathan Kipp-Bolton vom Boardgamegeekforum schrieb:

Thanks to the dice tower review by tom vasel we can see the cards that come with the equinox are as follows

CAPTAIN - *Rudolph Ransom [4] - 2sp
When defending, if there is a [Evade] token beside your ship, roll +2 defense dice

CAPTAIN - *Maxwell Burke [2] - 1sp
ACTION: Discard this card to gain +2 attack dice this round.

CREW - *Carla Gilmore - 2sp
ACTION: If your ship is not cloaked, disable all of your remaining shields and target a ship at range 1-2 that is not cloaked and has no active shields. Disable this card and 1 [tech] upgrade of your choice on the target ship. You may then use that Upgrades action (if any) as a free action this round.

CREW - *Noah Lessing - 2sp
ACTION: Disable this card and any 1 of your [tech] upgrades to target a ship at range 1-2. Disable 1 of the target ship's active shields

? - *Emergency Medical Hologram - 2sp
This upgrade counts as either a [Crew] upgrade of a [Tech] upgrade (your choice).
When you use a [Tech] upgrade that requires you to disable it, you may disable this card instead of that [tech] upgrade.

TECH - Navigational Deflector - 5sp
When taking damage, you may discard this card to cancel 1 [Hit] result.
If the damage if from a minefield or an obstacle, disable this card instead of discarding it. If you disable this card you may roll defense dice against obstacles or minefields


Der Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser Pack wurde ja schon offiziell gespoilert (siehe Newsbeitrag hier).

Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans.
Cut als Spielerezensent:
Der Spieleblog für den ich geschrieben habe - www.weiterspielen.net - über STAW und mehr...!
Der Spieleblog auf dem ich aktuell poste: StarTrek-AttackWing.de

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7719
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.13
Alter : 45


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